Greetings to new travelers!

Good morning, Fellow Traveler. This site is brand new, a bit under construction, but coming along nicely, I think.Currently, TJM supports the posting of "articles", plus adding reactions (emotes) and commenting on those articles. It also allows you to view and edit your profile.Two themes exist, Lig


Now, don't get me wrong... I love dogs. Dogs are the best. All kinds of dogs. Big dogs, little dogs, domestic dogs, wild dogs, wolves, foxes, they're all awesome. And domestic dogs... that is, canis lupus familiaris... They're the best best. But... Dogs are easy. Domestic dogs, that is. They're easy

The Cost of Food

I was setting up my latest grocery order. I noticed that beef, which I cannot taste, costs, at best, $3.66 per pound. That's purchasing a three-pound log of the cheapest stuff. Then, I realized... Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream, which I CAN taste, weighs a little over 4.6 pounds per gallon. T


  Happy Journeys! The Traveler  

Failing at Succeeding

Forward: This is a bit lengthy and rambling, but I promise it's important to get to the point. Please bear with me... If there's one defining characteristic in my life, it's failure. I don't say this to attract pity, nor to excuse shortcomings. It's a simple fact of my existence up to this point. As

Being honest

Sometimes, someone might tell you, "But if you do (life choice), you'll be (abused/ridiculed/whatever). You shouldn't do that. It's wrong." I want to be clear, here... If someone says this, they're telling you that bullies determine right from wrong by abusing their victims. They're blaming the vict

The Touch

So, you think to yourself... "I'm not appreciated. Not loved. The (non-human) person I live with takes me for granted. It's like I'm not even here. I'm used. I'm beaten down. I'm..." And then, that person reaches out in his sleep and rests a paw right on your hand, for no apparent reason. All that m

Putting the TV in LGBT

So, I know someone who's having trouble finding shows to watch. Every time he comes to the part where someone kisses someone of the same sex, he turns off the show and says he's "tired of them shoving [homosexuality] in [his] face". He then has to find a different movie or television show.So far, I'

Let's Talk About Progress

I hear some of you talking about the "good ol' days".  You want things to go back to the way they were, before they turned "bad".  You want to return to a simpler time, with ye olde values and moralsI hear you.  And I agree.  Let's do that.And let's start with you.How far back sh

We've all been there

Hey, we've all been there.  You think, "Just a little.  It won't hurt." But you're wrong.  It seems harmless.  You give in, just that little bit.  But it doesn't stop there, does it?  It feels good.  Just that little bit feels soooo good.  But then, you c

The Eye of the Beholder

The world is full of beauty. It comes in all kinds and all colors. Every region of the globe is covered in breathtaking glory that's constantly changing and growing. Even in areas populated by man, natural beauty finds its way through. If I ever die, I hope that my one regret will be that there was

What's your archetype?

I figured it out. It's all clear to me, now. And so obvious.I'm a Druid!Let me expound...So, you have different archetypes. Fighters. Clerics. Accountants. Mages. Shamans. And Druids.It's how people live their lives. How they look at the world. And, most importantly, how they interact with... themse

How perfect is this?

The world is full of beauty. It comes in all kinds and all colors. Every region of the globe is covered in breathtaking glory that's constantly changing and growing. Even in areas populated by man, natural beauty finds its way through. If I ever die, I hope that my one regret will be that there was